RAW WINE (rɔː) – adj in a natural state; not treated by manufacturing or other processes.
RAW WINE is a totally independent wine fair created and organised by Isabelle Legeron MW. It celebrates wines with emotion. Wines that have a humanlike, or living, presence. They are also wines that are an authentic expression of a place. They are the polar opposite of industrialised, big-brand, manufactured, nothing-but-alcoholic-grape-juice wines, that use imagery and suggestion to sell a product.
RAW WINE is about showcasing growers whose fundamental farming and cellar philosophies make these living wines possible. Many of these wines feature on the lists of the world’s best restaurants. They are wines with cult followings and they’re here, together, in London, for two days only so that wine lovers, connoisseurs and curious beginners alike can come together and try their wines.
RAW WINE is a platform for bringing these artisans together, as well as their importers; potential importers; the wine producer associations to which they belong; the trade professionals who want to write about them or stock them; and the wine amateurs (or ‘ones who love’) who would like to discover and drink them.